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Diagnostic Blood and Saliva Testing

Can’t get to your GP?  We offer a range of blood and saliva tests to give you an insight into your health and why you may be experiencing symptoms.

All of our tests include a 30 minute review with a registered nutritional therapist to discuss the results.  Samples are provided via a home kit and the follow up review can be via telephone, Zoom or in person at our clinic in Bramhall.

Advanced Thyroid Function Blood Test £156

This test gives a complete profile of thyroid health, along with key nutrients – iron, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12.  You should consider this test if you feel tired, sluggish or suspect you have issues with your thyroid function.  This test also gives valuable information if you are struggling with hair loss.

Markers Tested :  T4, TSH, T3, Autoimmune Antibodies, Ferritin, Vit D, B12, B9, CRP

A home kit is provided for you to provide the sample from a finger prick.  There is an option to have a blood draw at a private clinic for an extra £35.

To order this test buy now
or find out more please contact us

SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) Lactulose £235

Bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, brain fog, fatigue are all signs of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. This breath test measures hydrogen and methane gasses in response to lactulose, a disaccharide (consisting of fructose and galactose) which is poorly absorbed by the intestine. If SIBO is present, the bacteria will begin to metabolise lactulose before it reaches the large intestine, causing an early increase in gas production. 

Markers Tested : Hydrogen (H2), Methane (CH4), Combined H2 & CH4

This is a breath test. A home kit is provided for you to provide a sample

To order this test buy now or find out more please contact us

Lactose Intolerance test £235

If you experience bloating, gas, diarrhoea or cramping after consuming dairy products, you may be intolerant to lactose, the sugar found in dairy.

This is a breath test. A home kit is provided for you to provide a sample. You will be required to follow a special diet before taking the test.  Your nutritional therapist will provide more information when you order the test.

To order this test buy now or find out more please contact us

Wellness Nutrition Check £159

This test will provide valuable information on your nutrition status. You will be able to see whether you are eating and absorbing adequate nutrients from your food.  Your follow up appointment with your nutritional therapist will help you to understand the results and guide you to foods and supplements to optimise your health.

This test also includes cholesterol and inflammation marker as these can be influenced by your diet.

Markers Tested : Vitamin D, active B12, ferritin (iron stores), magnesium, LDL (bad) and HDL (good) cholesterol, CRP-hs

A home kit is provided for you to provide the sample from a finger prick.  There is an option to have a blood draw at a private clinic for an extra £35.

To order this test buy now or to find out more please contact us

Full cholesterol panel £109

Cholesterol has an essential role in the body. It helps to make vitamin D, bile acid and certain hormones. Too much cholesterol in your blood can however increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke.

This cholesterol panel will show your total cholesterol and a breakdown of good and bad cholesterol.  Your Nutritional Therapist will help you to understand your results and provide dietary and lifestyle advice to reduce your risk.

Markers Tested :  Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol: HDL, Triglycerides

To order this test buy now or find out more please contact us

Fatty Acid Profile £169

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are important in the normal functioning of all tissues of the body. This test checks the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 essential fatty acids in the blood

 Markers Tested : Omega 3, Omega 6

To order this test buy now or find out more please contact us. A member of the team will be in touch with details on how to order.


Vaginal Microbiome EcologiX Test £269

A healthy vaginal microbiome is essential for female health.  Symptoms of an imbalance in this microbiome can include a burning Vagina/Vulva, unpleasant smell, itching, or thrush. 

This test assesses the vaginal microbiome (bacteria and yeast) – a key ecosystem for female health and reproductive optimisation. The test includes Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and HPV.

Markers Tested : 20 different bacteria and yeast

A home kit is provided for you to provide the sample from a vaginal swab. 

To order this test buy now or to find out more please contact us.

Oral Microbiome Ecologix RRP, £209

The health of the oral microbiome has been linked to the gut-brain connection, and for cardiovascular and female reproductive health.

Symptoms including oral thrush, gingavitis, bleeding sore gums, tonsil stones, digestive problems and tooth infections can all be a sign of dysbiosis in the oral microbiome.

Markers Tested :  14 different bacterial and yeast

This is a saliva sample.  A home kit is provided for you to provide the sample.

To order this test buy now or to find out more please contact us

Urinary Ecologix RRP, £219

If you suffer with chronic, reoccurring urinary tract disorders, this test will provide valuable information about the microflora and health of the UTI system.  Your follow up appointment with a nutritional therapist (included), will help you to understand the results and provide a treatment plans the aim of reducing urinary tract disorder reoccurrence rates.

You should consider this test if you suffer with Chronic urinary tract disorders , UTI/Urinary tract infections , Urinary tract disorders , Cystitis, Bladder infection , Kidney infection, Interstitial cystitis, Urinary urgency

Markers Tested :  15 different bacterial and yeast

This is a urine test.  A home kit is provided for you to provide the sample

To order this test buy now or to find out more please contact us