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What is Hyaluronic Acid?

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

If you follow beauty or health blogs or journals, you may have come across references to hyaluronic acid as being one of the key supplements that helps to keep us looking young and feeling supple, but what is it?  

Hyaluronic acid is, in scientific terms, a glycosaminoglycan.  These are chains of carbohydrate molecules which are both viscous (gel-like) and hard to compress, making them excellent as lubricants and as shock-absorbers for the joints.   Furthermore, hyaluronic acid is unique in that its molecules act as magnets to attract and absorb water, thereby drawing water to the skin cells to supporting hydration and plumping.  It is thought that one molecule can hold up to 1,000 times its own weight in water.  Hyaluronic acid is found in large concentrations in the skin and in other connective tissues such as in the space between the joints.

Our bodies produce hyaluronic acid naturally. The turnover of hyaluronic acid can occur in as little as 1 day in the skin’s epidermis, however as we age our natural production declines.  This can coincide with a time that our skin may start to lose plumpness and moisture and we may suffer with joint aches and pains, one reason being that the synovial fluid around the joint space has become thinner.  

Should you take supplements?

Our customers take hyaluronic supplements for skin, joint, eye health and dryness.  If you are considering taking a supplement please talk to one of our regsitered Nutritional Therapists so that we can advise on the forms available and whether these are suitable for you. If you are taking medications or have any health concerns it is important not to take any supplements without discussing it with your healthcare professional.

If you follow beauty or health blogs or journals, you may have come across references to hyaluronic acid as being one of the key supplements that helps to keep us looking young and feeling supple, but what is it?