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Why am I always ill at Christmas? – read this guide!

Why am I always ill at Christmas? – read this guide!

Christmas should be a time to eat, drink and be merry but the party season can play havoc with our health. Cold and cough viruses are common at this time of year and you know that feeling, you finally finish work for the Christmas break – and you get ill.

Now is the very best time to take some extra steps to protect yourself and give yourselves the best chance of staying healthy, not ill, over the Christmas festivities ahead.

The Amaranth team of registered nutritional therapists have provided these nutrition and lifestyle suggestions to answer why you're always ill at Christmas:

  1. Stress reduction techniques.  Through various mechanisms, stress impacts the immune system which may make us more susceptible to illness.  Christmas provides endless to do lists, family stresses and it is an emotional time for many.  It’s not easy but for the benefit of your health, sometimes you need to say no or cut a few corners.  My advice is to prioritise the events you really want to go to and then politely decline the others or suggest a date in the new year.  Take that time to enjoy a warm bath with relaxing essential oils, 10 minutes with a meditation app such as Headspace, getting lost in a book or taking a long walk.  These can all have positive effects on the immune system and will help you to stay well over the festivities.

  2. Sleep.  Whilst it is not known exactly how, experts agree that a lack of sleep can impair the immune system and leave you more vulnerable to infection. Studies suggest that this may be because sleep helps our bodies produce the immune cells we need to fight off pathogens1  The winter is the best time to take an early night and get a good nights sleep.  Remember that alcohol can disrupt sleep, so this is another reason to keep a check on how many party nights you are having.  Try to add in an alcohol free Christmas night out, you will be surprised at how much you enjoy it.  If you regularly struggle with your sleep my top tip is a warm bath with magnesium flakes and lavender oil but you also need to consider factors such as technology and caffeine which maybe disrupting your sleep patterns. The team have many more suggestions for healthy sleep so ask for advice or book a free health review.

  3. Gentle exercise.  Strenuous and endurance exercise can be a source of stress to the body which has negative effects on the immune system. Gentle exercise however can boost endorphins and improve physical and mental wellbeing.  A gentle jog or long walk in the fresh air or a yoga class are just some suggestions.

  4. Vitamin C rich foods.  Good old vitamin C, probably the oldest and most famous immune boosting nutrient.  Kiwi fruit, peppers, green leafy vegetables and strawberries should all be enjoyed alongside your orange and citrus fruits.  Vitamin C can help to strengthen immunity in three ways – by strengthening the skin as a protective barrier so that the virus can’t enter as easier,  by increasing and specifying white blood cells and antibodies to target the virus and by helping to clear spent white blood cells to maintain tissue health. 

  5. Zinc rich foods.  Zinc affects multiple aspects of the immune system. It is crucial for normal development and function of many of our immune cells2. Zinc can also act as an anti-oxidant and may help to control inflammatory processes.  Zinc rich foods include seafood, red meat, chicken, beans, pulses and dairy products.  People following a vegan diet may struggle to get adequate zinc and so a supplement may beneficial. 


Immune Boosting Supplements to aid you not feeling ill during the Christmas period

Supplementation always raises questions – should we supplement? with what? And how much? Ideally we would get everything we need from food but I don’t believe this is always possible due to restricted diets, modern farming, food preferences, and busy lives.  Over the years, I have studied the research, tried and tested many immune supplements and gathered a lot of feedback from my clients and I believe that supplementation has a very valuable role in health improvement when used appropriately.  Here are details of my immune system favourites, these have worked for me and many clients I have worked with.  We are very happy to give personalised advice to make sure that you find the right remedies for you to aid you in not feeling ill at Christmas.

Beta Glucan. I love beta glucan and they have really helped to keep the winter bugs away over the last few years. Research has shown that daily use may help reduce the risk of upper respiratory tract infections, especially when due to increased mental and physical stress.  

Check out this product here: 

Vitamin D. There is now evidence that Vitamin D may help in the prevention of colds and flu viruses. Whilst research in this area is still ongoing, the importance of Vitamin D is such that Public Health England now recommend that everyone takes a Vitamin D supplement all year round.

Check out this product


Vitamin C.  A superior form of Vitamin C, such as Viridian Extra C can be well absorbed and utilised by the body.  This will provide a good top up alongside your vitamin C rich foods.

Check out this product 


Black Elderberry Elderberry is naturally rich in vitamin c and zinc and elderberry syrup has long been at the top of our list for immune health. Research has shown elderberry to be a potent cold and flu remedy by reducing the severity and shortening the length of symptoms, it is also delicious and easy to take.

Check out this product 


Zinc in either a food grown zinc, citrate or picolinate form.  Zinc picolinate is an acid form of zinc that has shown to have superior absorption qualities so you can maximise the benefits from supplementation.  Food grown supplements are derived in real food so that your body absorbs these nutrients just as you would if consuming them in food.  Either of these are a good choice

Check out this product 


Allicin Garlic.  My family all reach for the Allicin at the first sign of a cold or illness.  Allicin is the activated extract of garlic and many studies show the ability to reduce the symptoms and duration of infection. These small capsules are suitable for children over the age of 3.

Check out this product here: 


Probiotics.  Probiotics are the good bacteria that live primarily in the digestive system and promote a balanced microbiome. They have a key role in overall immune function by strengthening the gut barrier (which prevents pathogens and toxins entering the blood stream), interacting with immune cells and enhancing antimicrobial activity.  Our nutritionists recommend Your Gut Defence - this is a unique probiotic with specifically selected strains and strengths of bacteria, along with beta glucans, vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, elderberry and other immune supporting plant extracts.  

Check out this product here: 


Of course these are my favourites, they may not be right for everyone and other options are available.  You should always consult with your GP, especially if you have health concerns or are taking medications.  The registered nutritional therapists at Amaranth help with more information about each of these nutrients and remedies to aid you in not feeling ill over the Christmas period.

Questions?  Ask the team you can find us at

Amaranth Bramhall :  19 Bramhall Lane South, Bramhall SK7 1AL  0161 439 9856


References :

1 Sleep Enhances Serum Interleukin 7 Concentrations in Humans

2. Zinc in Human Health: Effect of Zinc on Immune Cells