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The Best Remedies and Advice for Christmas Stress and Anxiety

The Best Remedies and Advice for Christmas Stress and Anxiety
It’s silly season! Hands up if you are already feeling stressed and anxious about the coming weeks. Me! I’m writing this because I woke up in a panic this morning, it’s the 27th November, I’ve got back-to-back nights out next week, I don’t know what I’m buying for presents and I’ve certainly not yet thought about the Christmas dinner.

Even away from the demands of Christmas, stress and feelings of anxiety are common. Women particularly can feel more anxious around certain times in their cycle, and anxiety is one of the major symptoms of menopause. Christmas can heighten this. There is a lot to deal with, it comes with a big task list and pressure to be perfect.

So what can we do now so that we can enjoy the festivities and not be left with that tight knot in our stomachs and constant worry in our heads.

Awareness and Breath

The first thing I did this morning was to breathe. When acute anxiety sets in, the very best thing you can do is to breathe.  There are many breathing exercises you can find out about online including alternate nostril breathing, 4-7-8 breathing or simply taking a few deeper breaths.

Take control. I also encourage you to take a morning or an evening to write one big list of all your Christmas tasks – presents to buy, Christmas dinner, things to make etc. For every 10 things you add to the list, I want you to cross out three that matter the least or find a cheat way to do them. We very rarely finish everything on our lists so let’s kick some off straight away and focus on the most important.

Food and Nutrition

Eat regularly and include protein in each meal. It may sound a little odd but when you eat, and the type of foods you eat can increase or reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. This is because of the impact of food on blood sugar levels.  Protein is a key nutrient to include as it helps to support blood sugar balance.  Furthermore, individual amino acids from protein are used in the creation of hormones and our thinking and feeling neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine.


When it comes to stress and anxiety, I believe that supplements have a very important role. Specific herbal remedies, such as ashwagandha act as adaptogens and support the adrenals (that poor little gland that gives all the stress hormones). Specific vitamins and minerals (including B Vitamins and Magnesium) are inputs into the production of calming neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. These nutrients are also used by the adrenals in the creation of the stress hormone cortisol. If you are producing a lot of cortisol with stress, then the chances are that you don’t have as much Magnesium and B vitamins for the other important functions. Finally specific amino acids (those components of protein), such as L-theanine may help – studies have shown that L-Theanine increases brain alpha waves, which may promote a relaxed but attentive mental state. Our customers would support this as it is our best selling remedy for anxiety.