Enjoy a Raw Chocolate Easter
Read on to discover all about chocolate and why it can be good for you in our blog written by Nutritional Therapist Tricia Ward. Continue reading
This a question we have been asked a lot over the last few months and we know that many of you are really struggling to get your energy back after having COVID.
Unfortunately, we can’t give a specific answer as there is still so much to learn about the disease and research to be done into treatment for post COVID symptoms. We can, however, look at what we do know, some of the mechanisms of the virus and how other viruses respond, to find clues and make some suggestions.
In our blog we discuss the role of inflammation and the immune response and how specific foods and nutrients may be able to modulate this to support you back to health and energy.
Continue readingDo you struggle with managing your emotions in the weeks before your period?
Around 25% of women of reproductive age suffer with Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) which can be extremely distressing and affect the quality of life for the days preceding and during menstruation. The syndrome is characterised by feelings of irritation, tension, and low mood. You might wake up in a great mood but find yourself becoming angry and anxious an hour or two later for no reason.
These symptoms occur during the luteal phase, which is the week or so running up to menstruation. In this period serotonin levels drop, while progesterone and oestrogen rise, if pregnancy does not occur menstruation is triggered by a drop in these hormones.
Amaranth Nutritional Therapist, Sophie Beddard, explains how you can help to manage these hormone fluctuations and PMS symptoms with a nutrition and lifestyle approach.
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March 8th is International Women's Day. International Women's Day is the most important day of the year to come together to celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness about women's equality and lobby for accelerated gender parity.
The very first International Women's Day was officially marked on 1911. More than one million people celebrated in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Women demanded the right to vote, to fight against sex discrimination in the workplace, and to hold public office.
Since then things have come along way, but there is a long way to go. In many parts of the world women still live in fear and have fewer rights than imaginable. In our own neighbourhood we still see inequality in every day life - in pay, in decision making and in the share of domestic work. International Women's Day aims to campaign for these issues in support of fairness for all.
In support of International Women's Day, we will be donating 10% of all instore and online sales on March 8th to Pankhurst Trust and Manchester Women's Aid.
This combined charity has the mission to
The charity provides financial, mental and physical help and education to those suffering from domestic violence and abuse as well as providing a women's centre and community space.
Read more about Pankhurst Trust and Manchester Women's Aid on their website About Us | The Pankhurst Trust and Manchester Women's Aid
Continue readingThe nutrition team at Amaranth have been kept busy over the last few days with questions and advice with regard to immune support. Whilst we certainly can’t claim to have a "super potion" to remove the virus, there may be some extra steps you can take to give yourself the best chance of staying healthy.
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